Gemini Marriage Predictions 2021-22 – Marriage Yog Gemini

Published by Team Ashok Prajapati on

Gemini zodiac marriage prediction 2021-22 is presented. If you are a Gemini and you are worried about your marriage then this post will give you enough answers. This horoscope is also applicable to those people of Gemini zodiac who want to know the marriage prediction for their daughter or son.

Current Planets of Gemini as per marriage

At present, Jupiter is situated in the eighth house in the horoscope of Gemini people, the position of Saturn is also in the 8th house of your horoscope. Rahu is situated in the 12th house of the horoscope and Ketu is situated in the 6th house of the horoscope. This planetary position is not favorable for marriage, but this month, on November 20, Jupiter will move to Aquarius, this creates the planning & proposals of marriage. So after 20 Nov 2022 you can expect the good and relevant proposals of marriage.

Gemini Marriage prediction 2022

Marriage Prediction according to Jupiter in 2021-22

When Jupiter comes in the 9th house, the person gets the benefit of gems, jewelry, clothes etc. All these things mean that there is auspicious occasions going to happen in your house. All auspicious occasions related to marriage is completed when Jupiter is in the 9th house. Jupiter will remain in the 9th house till April 13, so in the next year 2022, till April 13, the planets of marriage is in your horoscope. If you are waiting for marriage then the prediction of marriage is favorable for you according to Jupiter. But end of this planetary combinations is till 13 April.

Gemini love marriage predictions 2021-22

Love marriage will also prove favorable for Gemini sign people. In the year 2022, after April 13, Jupiter will move to the 10th house and Rahu-Ketu will transit to the 11th and 5th houses. Rahu and Ketu will be helpful for love marriage but for arranged marriage no planetary position is present in the whole year. Rahu always give excitement & entertainment when situated in 11th house. The Gemini people who dont have relationship with anyone will get into the love of someone in the coming year 2022. So love marriage prediction for Gemini is favorable in the year 2022.

Gemini Love Marriage Predictions

Marriage Prediction for Gemini as per Saturn

Saturn will move to Aquarius on 29th April, so that marriage proposals which are already in place are likely to suffer some trouble, so the relationship made by Gemini people will have to behave very carefully. You must need to be extra careful in love relationships. There is some dryness in relationship in the year 2022 for Gemini.

Marriage prediction for your son & daughter in 2021-22

If you are Gemini and you are waiting for the marriage of your son or daughter, then marriage is possible before March-April 2022, after that you should wait because the planets of marriage for Gemini will not be present in the whole year of August. After August, due to Mars being in the twelfth place, there is a possibility of obstruction in marriage related works.

Gemini will you get married this year or next year?

Gemini people who are waiting for marriage, Jupiter is inauspicious after the month of April 2022. So there is no planets of marriage. For the whole year 2022, the marriage is possible for those who already have a love affair with someone and not in rush to get married. There is good news for such people after April 12, 2022 that there will be a sudden marriage. This planetary combinations of love marriage will be active for the whole year for Gemini. The conclusion is that if you are Gemini and if you want to do love marriage, then before April arranged marriage, and affter april love marriage will be done beneficial.